Gita 18.24
यत्, तु, कामेप्सुना, कर्म, साहंकारेण, वा, पुनः,
क्रियते, बहुलायासम्, तत्, राजसम्, उदाहृतम्।।24।।
Yat’, tu, kaamepsuna, karm, saanhkaaren, va, punH,
Kriyate, bahulaayaasam’, tat’, raajsam’, udaahrtam’ ||24||
Translation: (Tu) but (yat’) which (karm) an action (bahulaayaasam’) involves a lot of hardwork (punH) and (kaamepsuna) by one who is desirous of fruits (va) or (saanhkaaren) is conceited (kriyate) is performed (tat’) that action (raajsam’) Rajas (udaahrtam’) is said to be. (24)
Translation: But an action which involves a lot of hardwork and is performed by one who is desirous of fruits or is conceited, that action is said to be Rajas.
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