Gita 18.19
ज्ञानम्, कर्म, च, कर्ता, च, त्रिधा, एव, गुणभेदतः,
प्रोच्यते, गुणसङ्ख्याने, यथावत्, श्रृणु, तानि, अपि।।19।।
Gyaanm’, karm, ch, karta, ch, tridha, ev, gunbhedatH,
Prochyate, gunsankhyaane, yathaavat’, shrnu, taani, api ||19||
Translation: (Gunsankhyaane) in the scripture which enumerates the gunas (gyaanm’) knowledge (ch) and (karm) action (ch) and (karta) the doer (gunbhedatH) according to the distinction of the gunas (tridha) each of three types (ev) only (prochyate) are said to be (taani) them (api) also, you from me (yathaavat’) properly (shrnu) listen. (19)
Translation: In the scripture which enumerates the gunas, knowledge and action and the doer, each are said to be of three types according to the distinction of the gunas. Listen about them also properly from me.
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