Gita 18.18
ज्ञानम्, ज्ञेयम्, परिज्ञाता, त्रिविधा, कर्मचोदना,
करणम्, कर्म, कर्ता, इति, त्रिविधः, कर्मसंग्रहः।।18।।
Gyaanm’, gyeyam’, parigyaata, trividha, karmchodna,
Karnam’, karm, karta, iti, trividhH, karmsangrahH ||18||
Translation: (Parigyaata) the knower (gyaanm’) knowledge and (gyeyam’) knowable (trividha) these three types of (karmchodna) are impulses to action and (karta) the doer (karnam’) the instrument and (karm) the action (iti) these (trividhH) threefold (karmsangrahH) are basis of action. (18)
Translation: The knower, knowledge and the knowable – these are three types of impulses to action, and the doer, instrument and the action – these are the three types of basis of action.
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