Gita 18.12
अनिष्टम्, इष्टम्, मिश्रम्, च, त्रिविधम्, कर्मणः, फलम्,
भवति, अत्यागिनाम्, प्रेत्य, न, तु, सóयासिनाम्, क्वचित्।।12।।
Anishtam’, ishtam’, mishram’, ch, trividham’, karmanH, falam’,
Bhavti, atyaaginaam’, pretya, na, tu, sannyaasinaam’, kvachit’ ||12||
Translation: (Atyaaginaam’) those who do not relinquish the fruits of actions (karmanH) of the actions (ishtam’) auspicious (anishtam’) inauspicious (ch) and (mishram’) mixed (trividham’) of three types (falam’) fruit (pretya) after death (bhavti) is (tu) but (sannyaasinaam’) the fruits of actions of those who relinquish the fruits of actions (kvachit’) at any time (na) is not (they become completely liberated). (12)
Translation: The fruit of actions of those who do not relinquish the fruits of actions is of three types after death, auspicious, inauspicious and mixed. But the fruits of actions of those who relinquish the fruits of actions are none at any time. They become completely liberated.
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