Gita 17.4
यजन्ते, सात्त्विकाः, देवान्, यक्षरक्षांसि, राजसाः,
प्रेतान्, भूतगणान्, च, अन्ये, यजन्ते, तामसाः, जनाः।।4।।
Yajante, SaattvikaH, devaan’, yaksharakshaansi, RaajsaH,
Pretaan’, bhootganaan’, ch, anye, yajante, TaamsaH, janaaH ||4||
Translation: (SaattvikaH) Satvik men (devaan’) gods like Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji etc (yajante) worship (RaajsaH) Rajas men (yaksharakshaansi) Yakshas and the demons and (anye) others who (TaamsaH) Tamas (janaaH) men, they (pretaan’) spirits (ch) and (bhootganaan’) ghosts (yajante) worship and also chiefly regard Shri Shiv Ji as their deity. (4)
Translation: Satvik men worship gods like, Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiv Ji etc. Rajas men worship yakshas and demons, and the others who are Tamas men, they worship spirits and ghosts and also chiefly regard Shri Shiv Ji as their deity.
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