Gita 17.14
देवद्विजगुरुप्राज्ञपूजनम्, शौचम्, आर्जवम्,
ब्रह्मचर्यम्, अहिंसा, च, शारीरम्, तपः, उच्यते।।14।।
Devdwijgurupraagyapoojnm’, shauchm’, aarjavam’,
Brahmcharyam’, ahimsa, ch, shaareeram’, tapH, uchyate ||14||
Translation: (Devdwijgurupraagyapoojnm’) respect of persons with divine nature i.e. saints, Brahmins, Guru and learned persons (shauchm’) purity (aarjavam’) submissiveness (brahmcharyam’) celibacy (ch) and (ahimsa) non-violence (shaareeram’) related to body (tapH) austerity (uchyate) is said to be. (14)
Translation: Respect of persons with divine nature i.e. saints, Brahmins, Guru and learned persons, purity, submissiveness, celibacy, and non-violence, this is said to be austerity related to the body. But all this is contrary to scriptural injunctions and because of which is useless religious practice. Because in Gita Gita Chapter 16 Verse 23-24, to act arbitrarily abandoning the scriptural injunctions has been described as useless.
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