Gita 16.4
दम्भः, दर्पः, अभिमानः, च, क्रोधः, पारुष्यम्, एव, च,
अज्ञानम्, च, अभिजातस्य, पार्थ, सम्पदम्, आसुरीम्,।।4।।
DambhH, darpH, abhimaanH, ch, krodhH, paarushyam’, ev, ch,
Agyaanm’, ch, abhijaatasya, paarth, sampadam’, aasureem’ ||4||
Translation: (Paarth) Oh Paarth! (dambhH) hypocrisy (darpH) arrogance (ch) and (abhimaanH) conceit (ch) and (krodhH) anger (paarushyam’) harshness (ch) and (agyaanm’) ignorance (ev) actually, all these (aasureem’) demoniac (sampadam’) attributes (abhijaatasya) characteristics of a person born with. (4)
Translation: Oh Paarth! hypocrisy, arrogance and conceit and anger, harshness and also ignorance – all these are the characteristics of a person born with demoniac attributes.
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