अहिंसा, सत्यम्, अक्रोधः, त्यागः, शान्तिः, अपैशुनम्,
दया, भूतेषु, अलोलुप्त्वम्, मार्दवम्, ह्रीर अचापलम्।।2।।
Ahimsa, satyam’, akrodhH, tyaagH, shaantiH, apaeshunm’,
Dayaa, bhooteshu, aloluptvam’, maardvam’, hriH, achaapalam’ ||2||
Translation: (Ahimsa) to not hurt anyone in any way by mind, speech and body (satyam’) truthful (akrodhH) to not even show anger towards someone who harms oneself (tyaagH) to even surrender one’s head to God (shaantiH) absence of unsteadiness of mind (apaeshunm’) to not criticize anyone (bhooteshu) towards all living beings (dayaa) kindness (aloluptvam’) without vices/defects (maardvam’) gentleness (hriH) ashamed of doing wrong deeds (achaapalam’) absence of flattery. (2)
Translation: To not hurt anyone in any way by mind, speech and body, truthful, to not even show anger towards someone who harms oneself, to even surrender one’s head to God, absence of unsteadiness of mind, to not criticize anyone, kindness towards all living beings, without vices, gentleness, ashamed of doing wrong deeds, absence of flattery.
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