Gita 16.15, Gita 16.16
आढ्यः, अभिजनवान्, अस्मि, कः, अन्यः, अस्ति, सदृशः, मया,
यक्ष्ये, दास्यामि, मोदिष्ये, इति, अज्ञानविमोहिताः।।15।।
अनेकचितविभ्रान्ताः, मोहजालसमावृताः,
प्रसक्ताः, कामभोगेषु, पतन्ति, नरके, अशुचै।।16।।
AadyaH, abhijanvaan’, asmi, kaH, anyaH, asti, sadrshH, mya,
Yakshye, daasyaami, modishye, iti, agyaanvimohitaH ||15||
AnekchitvibhraantaH, mohjaalsamaavrtaH,
PrsaktaH, kaambhogeshu, patanti, narke, ashuchau ||16||
Translation: (AadyaH) very wealthy and (abhijanvaan’) have a big family or many disciples (asmi) am (mya) my (sadrshH) equal (anyaH) else (kaH) who (asti) is (yakshye) will perform yagya (daasyaami) will do charity (modishye) will rejoice (iti) in this way (agyaanvimohitaH) deluded by ignorance and (anekchitvibhraantaH) with a mind perplexed in many ways (mohjaalsamaavrtaH) entangled in the snare of delusion and (kaambhogeshu) in the sensual pleasures (prsaktaH) excessively attached, the demoniac people (ashuchau) deep, impure (narke) hell (patanti) fall. (15, 16)
Translation: I am very wealthy and have a big family or many disciples. Who else is equal to me? I will perform yagya, will do charity and will rejoice. In this way, deluded by ignorance and with a mind perplexed in many ways, entangled in the snare of delusion, and excessively attached to sensual pleasures, the demoniac people fall into deep impure hell.
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