Sarvasya, ch, aham’, hridi, sannivishtH, mattH, smrtiH, gyanm’, apohanm’,
Ch, vedaeH, ch, sarvaeH, aham’, ev, vedhyH, vedaantkrit’, vedvit’, ev, ch, aham’ ||15||
(Aham’) I (sarvasya) of all the living beings in my twenty-one brahmands (hridi) in the hearts (mattH) scripture-based thoughts (sannivishtH) instill (ch) and (aham’) I (ev) only (smrtiH) memory (gyanm’) knowledge (ch) and (apohanm’) analysis [dispel doubts] (ch) and (vedaantkrt’) creator of Vedant (ch) and (vedvit’) the knower of the Vedas (aham’) I (ev) only (sarvaeH) all (vedaeH) through Vedas (vedhyH) worthy of being known. (15)
I instill scripture-based thoughts in the hearts of all the living beings in my twenty-one brahmands, and I only am memory, knowledge and analysis (dispel doubts), and I only am the creator of the Vedant, the knower of the Vedas, and I only am worthy of being known through all the Vedas.
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