Gita 14.8
तमः, तु, अज्ञानजम्, विद्धि, मोहनम्, सर्वदेहिनाम्,
प्रमादालस्यनिद्राभिः, तत्, निबध्नाति, भारत।।8।।
TamH, tu, agyaanjam’, viddhi, mohnm’, sarvdehinaam’,
PrmaadaalasyanidraabhiH, tat’, nibadhnaati, bharat ||8||
Translation: (Bharat) O Arjun! (sarvdehinaam’) all the embodied beings (mohnam’) which deludes (tamH) the Tamogun (tu) in fact (agyaanjam’) born of ignorance (viddhi) know (tat’) it/ he ; this soul (prmaadaalasyanidraabhiH) wrongdoing, laziness and sleep (nibadhnaati) binds. (8)
Translation: O Arjun! Know the Tamogun which deludes all the embodied beings to be born of ignorance. It binds this soul to wrongdoing, laziness and sleep.
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