Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 3

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 3

Gita 14.3

मम, योनिः, महत्, ब्रह्म, तस्मिन्, गर्भम्, दधामि, अहम्,
सम्भवः, सर्वभूतानाम्, ततः, भवति, भारत।।3।।

Gita 14.3

Mm, yoniH, mahat’, Brahm, tasmin’, garbham’, dadhaami, aham’,
SambhavH, sarvbhootaanaam’, tatH, bhavti, bharat ||3||

Translation: (Bharat) O Arjun! (mm) my (mahat’) Primeval Prakriti i.e. Durga, of all the living beings (yoniH) is the womb, and (aham’ Brahm) I, Brahm-Kaal (tasmin’) in that womb (garbham’) seed (dadhaami) place/impregnate (tatH) by that union (sarvbhootaanaam’) all the living beings (sambhavH) birth (bhavti) takes place. (3)

Translation: O Arjun! My Primeval Prakriti i.e. Durga is the womb of all the living beings and I, Brahm-Kaal, place the seed in that womb. By that union all the living beings are born.

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