Gita 14.24
समदुःखसुखः, स्वस्थः, समलोष्टाश्मकांचनः,
तुल्यप्रियाप्रियः, धीरः, तुल्यनिन्दात्मसंस्तुतिः।।24।।
SamduHkhsukhH, swasthH, samloshtaashmkaanchanH,
TulyapriyaapriyaH, dheerH, tulyanindaatmsanstutiH ||24||
Translation: (SwasthH) Based on one’s Tatvgyan (samduHkhsukhH) who considers joy and sorrow as same (samloshtaashmkaanchanH) who looks equally upon mud, stone and gold (dheerH) a Tatvgyani i.e. knowledgeable person (TulyapriyaapriyaH) who considers pleasant and unpleasant to be the same and (tulyanindaatm sanstutiH) who remains balanced in his criticism and praise. (24)
Translation: Based on one’s Tatvgyan, who considers joy and sorrow as same, who looks equally upon mud, stone and gold, a Tatvgyani i.e. knowledgeable person who considers pleasant and unpleasant to be same and remains balanced in his criticism and praise.
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