Gita 12.18
समः, शत्रौ, च, मित्रे, च, तथा, मानापमानयोः,
शीतोष्णसुखदुःखेषु, समः, संगविवर्जितः।।18।।
SamH, shatrau, ch, mitre, ch, tatha, maanaapmaanyoH,
SheetoshnsukhduHkheshu, samH, sangvivarjitH ||18||
Translation: (Shatrau, mitre) towards an enemy and friend (ch) and (maanaapmaanyoH) in honour and dishonour (samH) is same (tatha) and (sheetoshn sukhduHkheshu) in heat-cold and joy-sorrow etc (samH) is same (ch) and (sangvivarjitH) is detached. (18)
Translation: He who is same to a friend and an enemy, and in honour and dishonour, and is same in heat-cold and joy-sorrow etc and is detached.
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