Gita 10.36
द्यूतम्, छलयताम्, अस्मि, तेजः, तेजस्विनाम्, अहम्,
जयः, अस्मि, व्यवसायः, अस्मि, सत्वम्, सत्ववताम्, अहम्।।36।।
Dhyootam’, chhalaytaam’, asmi, tejH, tejasvinaam’, aham’,
JayH, asmi, vyavsaayH, asmi, satvam’, satvvataam’, aham’ ||36||
Translation: (Aham’) I (chhalaytaam’) of the deceitful (dhyootam’) gambling and (tejasvinaam’) the glorious men (tejH) glory (asmi) am (aham’) I (jaiH) victory (asmi) am (vyavsaayH) determination and (satvvataam’) of the Satvik OR good/honest men (satvam’) the Satvik quality /goodness (asmi) am. (36)
Translation: I am gambling among the deceitful and the glory of the glorious men. I am victory, determination and the Satvik quality of the Satvik men /OR goodness of the good/honest men.
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